Effective May 1st, no more pocket listings. Here's what it means for you.
Now is the time to work together. Here are 4 ways landlords can work with tenants if they can't make rent.
With everything going on, now is the time to get prepared, not sit on the sidelines. Here's how.
Not all lots are created equal when it comes to Accessory Dwelling Units. Here's a quick guide to understanding the pros and cons of the most common lots.
House hacking is one of the best ways to start real estate investing. Check out how.
Most think it is difficult to buy, when in fact it is easier than renting. Find out my thoughts here.
There are so many agents out there, and many are on social media. Check out my interview with an industry expert on what to look for.
Want to finance the construction for your next home? FHA 203(k) is an option, but there are things you need to know.
With statewide rent control now in effect, some landlords are sticking around, while others are selling. For those sticking around, there might be some questions as to what to do next.
As we enter the new decade, roles may change. Will the same be for real estate agents be the same?

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