A home doesn’t sell for two reasons.  The first is the price.  The second is because of the agent.  Sometimes you list your property with an agent that does not have a documented record of performing.  It could have been because the agent overpromised, it’s not a priority for them, or you hired them because they are a friend/family member rather than documented relevant qualifications.  In either case, you’re stuck and need to do something.

Here are some options:

  1. Have the conversation with the agent.  Tell him or her why you are dissatisfied and realign expectations.  Is the home not on social media and you want it to be?  Were professional photos not done?  Are they just poor communicators?  Talk to them and see if they are willing to make improvements to marketing your property. 
  2. Discuss co-listing: Bring in another agent to help.  The agents can split the commission and you get more exposure.  The other agent won’t like it, but if you have completed point #1, then this conversation would be much easier.  If the agent is smart, he/she will know that it is either this option or lose the listing.
  3. Just cancel and move on:  You can either cancel the agreement or let it expire.  Yes, there is an expiration date and in theory the agent could hold you to it and not cancel.  But on a practical basis, you also don’t have to provide access to show the property or accept any offers that come through.

Unfortunately, not everything works the way we want it, and that’s okay.  The important thing is to learn and move forward.  This includes working with an agent that just isn’t performing.


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